Blog inspiration

You need more energy. Here’s how to get it
Do you know what guards the truth? Yesterday my friend Michael shared something that put all the pieces together inside of my head. In Taoist temples, two dog-lions are guarding the door to truth. One is a paradox; the other is confusion. Paradox and confusion, two...

How to hurt others
Why would you want to know how to hurt others? Because you are going to at some point, and there are ways to hurt that can heal and ways to hurt that can harm. I’ve hurt many people in my lifetime, often because I was trying so hard not to hurt them. This caused me to...

Clear communication: vent, advice, cheerlead
"Did you hear what Joe said about Fran? Can you believe it?" "I'm furious at her! I feel like she did this on purpose." "I can't figure out what to do next; I'm scared I'm going to make a mistake." Today we explore what it means to be impeccable with your word and...

Mindfulness or Mind-full-mess?
Is your mind more like an overstuffed junk closet or a Zen monastery? Is your mental state closer to a crowded freeway than a sweet country road? Do your thoughts bring you panic or bring you peace? If you are like most humans, your mind is more mess than mindful,...

A life through a lens
With the festivities of the holiday season behind us, I recall the last couple of weeks or so and notice something more and more prolific in our lives. We now record our lives' moments with such ease that sometimes we get more involved in capturing the moment, than...

Here there be dragons
You, like me, probably have an idea of the things in life you’d be comfortable doing, and similarly, the things you wouldn’t. Some people enjoy jumping off bridges with only a piece of elastic tethering them to life. Some will dive to the depths of the ocean with only...

Are we there yet?
Are you the best possible version of you? Are you the person you want to be? Are you being the you that is fulfilled and happy? No…? Well, why not? So many people spend time waiting. You might ask, “What for?” And the honest answer is I don’t know, and most likely,...

Get out and stay out
I’m sure you’re looking at the image above and thinking, “Here we go again…” Now whilst there is a lot of truth in the belief that getting out of your comfort zone will generate all manner of wonderful things, I want to explore a different aspect of this… What happens...

How to be awesome
It never ceases to amaze me how quickly things can change as people learn how to be awesome! I saw it all the time in others when I worked with clients privately providing the environment for change, and watching as the impossible happened, seemingly before our eyes....

How taking the Firewalking Instructor Training with Tolly Burkan changed my life
It was an early afternoon and the sun pierced through the tall patio doors of The Firewalking Center in Twain Hart, California. I sat calmly in my chair as I hung onto every word of Tolly Burkan’s deep and emotionally charged story. I did not expect to feel such an...
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