Sundoor Firewalking and Motivational Coach Certification
In this six day workshop you will be taught tools to identify and release your fears, raise and hold joy, and access your best self and facilitate this transformation for others. You will learn how to take your students safely cross the coals and use the experience to create shifts in all areas of their lives.
Upon Certification you will have learned:
WORKSHOP FORMAT – You will be given structures for your Firewalk Workshops and the tools and processes to teach.
SAFETY – You will be taught taught how to build, tend and conduct Firewalks safely under various conditions.
LEGAL & PERMITS – You will be taught how, when and where to acquire permits and to create safety to limit your legal liabilities.
TEACHING MANUAL – You will receive a written reference manual and teaching materials you can use with your students.
EMPOWERMENT TOOLS – You will be learn how lead your students through Firewalks, Glass Walks, Arrow Breaks and Rebar Bends.
COMMUNITY – Once you are Certified you will become part of the Global Sundoor Firewalking Instructor community.
WORKSHOP SUPPORT – In person support is available after certification for your first three events and ongoing virtual support.
TRANSFORMATION TOOLS – You will be taught tools and processes you and your students can use in your daily lives to empower you and heighten your mental and emotional states.
GUIDED VISUALIZATION – You will be taught Guided Visualizations to deepen your connection to your energetic body.
EMBODIED EXPERIENCE – You will leave knowing in your body that you can overcome any obstacle in your path.